Getting Up-to-date with RIS
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Dan Kelly
2009-01-23 12:02:01 UTC
We're just looking at introducing a RIS server to our mix and are trying to
work out some of the issues.

Whilst the set up of the server and images seems straight forward, we are
wondering about what happens with images going out of date.

e.g. Set up an image with the current, fully patched OS and latest version
of core software. Deploy to all machines in the current batch.

We assume that the OS updates are down to our Windows Update setup, but the
core applications?
Dave Guenthner [MSFT]
2009-01-24 03:46:12 UTC
You may want to investigate Microsoft deployment toolkit 2008. You can use
this free toolkit to build a "repeatable" build process to create images.
Simple scenario, have two builds or task sequences. The first is the
installation of the OS from source files and all LOB applications and
updates in a controlled way resulting in a captured image. The second
build would be the deployment of the "gold" image. You can use MDT in
conjunction with WDS. There is a good deal of documentation on this
process which may help.

Dave Guenthner [MSFT]
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