discover image stops at wpeinit
(too old to reply)
2008-05-21 13:17:54 UTC
I have been at this for two days now.

I have created a discover image, using the steps in the Microsoft
article: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/9e197135-6711-4c20-bfad-fc80fc2151301033.mspx#BKMK_CreatingDiscover

I burned the image to a disk. Then I booted an old Dell Dimension 2400
off the disk (it is NOT PXE enabled, unfortunately).

The disk boots, I get the status message "Windows is loading files..."
with the appropriate progress bar, and then a brief splash screen with
Microsoft Corporation (and another status bar).

Then a greyed out background comes up (presumably the windows vista
logo) and a command prompt. The command prompt says: "x:\windows

It sits there for SEVERAL minutes, then just dumps me back at the same
command prompt ("x:\windows\system32>").

I have googled and googled, even tried the MS KB...there just isn't
anything that applies.

I don't have many machines in my network. I built the WDS server so
that I could have consistent images. The bottom line is that I don't
care how I get the image on the machine, I just want to use the same
image I've used for everything else.

Can anyone offer some suggestions - I'm quite a bit frustrated by

FYI, the machine has 1 GB of RAM (it had 512 when I started, so I
bumped it to 1GB because of some of the things I read online saying
that limited RAM - though 512 is the required amount - may not be

Thanks in advance.
2008-05-22 17:22:25 UTC
Post by Joe
I have been at this for two days now.
I have created a discover image, using the steps in the Microsoft
I burned the image to a disk. Then I booted an old Dell Dimension 2400
off the disk (it is NOT PXE enabled, unfortunately).
The disk boots, I get the status message "Windows is loading files..."
with the appropriate progress bar, and then a brief splash screen with
Microsoft Corporation (and another status bar).
Then a greyed out background comes up (presumably the windows vista
logo) and a command prompt. The command prompt says: "x:\windows
It sits there for SEVERAL minutes, then just dumps me back at the same
command prompt ("x:\windows\system32>").
I have googled and googled, even tried the MS KB...there just isn't
anything that applies.
I don't have many machines in my network. I built the WDS server so
that I could have consistent images. The bottom line is that I don't
care how I get the image on the machine, I just want to use the same
image I've used for everything else.
Can anyone offer some suggestions - I'm quite a bit frustrated by
FYI, the machine has 1 GB of RAM (it had 512 when I started, so I
bumped it to 1GB because of some of the things I read online saying
that limited RAM - though 512 is the required amount - may not be
Thanks in advance.
One further note, I can successfully ping the WDS server from that
command prompt - it appears all network settings are correct.

Forgive my ignorance here, but it's almost like there is a wizard that
just isn't launching for some reason. With my PXE enabled devices, it
just fires right off and I don't have these problems.

Thanks in advance.
2009-10-17 12:27:38 UTC
Did anyone ever figure this out? I have the exact same problem and I have been trying to resolve it for three days!!!

My PXE clients boot no problem just not my non-PXE clients. I can ping stuff all over the network but I cannot net view to the share on the WDS server, I get an error 5 "Access Denied"...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

LW wrote:

Re: discover image stops at wpeinit

On May 21, 9:17 am, Joe <***@gmail.com> wrote

One further note, I can successfully ping the WDS server from tha
command prompt - it appears all network settings are correct

Forgive my ignorance here, but it's almost like there is a wizard tha
just isn't launching for some reason. With my PXE enabled devices, i
just fires right off and I don't have these problems

Thanks in advance

Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Monday, June 02, 2008 5:54 AM
Joe wrote:

discover image stops at wpeinit
I have been at this for two days now

I have created a discover image, using the steps in the Microsof
article: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/9e197135-6711-4c20-bfad-fc80fc2151301033.mspx#BKMK_CreatingDiscove

I burned the image to a disk. Then I booted an old Dell Dimension 240
off the disk (it is NOT PXE enabled, unfortunately)

The disk boots, I get the status message "Windows is loading files...
with the appropriate progress bar, and then a brief splash screen wit
Microsoft Corporation (and another status bar)

Then a greyed out background comes up (presumably the windows vist
logo) and a command prompt. The command prompt says: "x:\window

It sits there for SEVERAL minutes, then just dumps me back at the sam
command prompt ("x:\windows\system32>")

I have googled and googled, even tried the MS KB...there just isn'
anything that applies

I don't have many machines in my network. I built the WDS server s
that I could have consistent images. The bottom line is that I don'
care how I get the image on the machine, I just want to use the sam
image I've used for everything else

Can anyone offer some suggestions - I'm quite a bit frustrated b

FYI, the machine has 1 GB of RAM (it had 512 when I started, so
bumped it to 1GB because of some of the things I read online sayin
that limited RAM - though 512 is the required amount - may not b

Thanks in advance

On Monday, June 02, 2008 5:54 AM
LW wrote:

Re: discover image stops at wpeinit
On May 21, 9:17 am, Joe <***@gmail.com> wrote

One further note, I can successfully ping the WDS server from tha
command prompt - it appears all network settings are correct

Forgive my ignorance here, but it's almost like there is a wizard tha
just isn't launching for some reason. With my PXE enabled devices, i
just fires right off and I don't have these problems

Thanks in advance

On Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:06 PM
Tro wrote:

RE: discover image stops at wpeinit
Were you ever able to get this resolved? I have exactly the same situation
and would appreciate to know the fix if you found it. Thanks

"Joe" wrote:

EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
In - Memory Data Compression with .NET PART II
2008-06-18 19:06:00 UTC
Were you ever able to get this resolved? I have exactly the same situation
and would appreciate to know the fix if you found it. Thanks.
Post by Joe
I have been at this for two days now.
I have created a discover image, using the steps in the Microsoft
article: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/9e197135-6711-4c20-bfad-fc80fc2151301033.mspx#BKMK_CreatingDiscover
I burned the image to a disk. Then I booted an old Dell Dimension 2400
off the disk (it is NOT PXE enabled, unfortunately).
The disk boots, I get the status message "Windows is loading files..."
with the appropriate progress bar, and then a brief splash screen with
Microsoft Corporation (and another status bar).
Then a greyed out background comes up (presumably the windows vista
logo) and a command prompt. The command prompt says: "x:\windows
It sits there for SEVERAL minutes, then just dumps me back at the same
command prompt ("x:\windows\system32>").
I have googled and googled, even tried the MS KB...there just isn't
anything that applies.
I don't have many machines in my network. I built the WDS server so
that I could have consistent images. The bottom line is that I don't
care how I get the image on the machine, I just want to use the same
image I've used for everything else.
Can anyone offer some suggestions - I'm quite a bit frustrated by
FYI, the machine has 1 GB of RAM (it had 512 when I started, so I
bumped it to 1GB because of some of the things I read online saying
that limited RAM - though 512 is the required amount - may not be
Thanks in advance.