Yes. There are several deployment scenarios which can help. The most
common is "New Computer" where you are performing a bare bones, clean
installation of Windows, all data is destroyed. In your case, you may want
to look at the "Refresh" or "Replace Computer" scenario. From within
Windows XP installation, map a logical drive to your deployment point.
From the command line change directories to the scripts directory and
execute LiteTouch.vbs. The script with provide some options which in turn
call USMT to back up existing user data either locally or network share,
wipe the drive, perform clean install of Vista, and the restore user data.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin\Microsoft Deployment
Toolkit 2008 Help.chm
PS. USMT cab file is not included with MDT by default, you must stage it on
the deployment point as documentation points out. Otherwise you will get an
error about not finding the CAB for USMT.
Dave Guenthner [MSFT]
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