Some Windows7 Sysprep Issues
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pldpld shalom
2009-10-18 10:35:18 UTC
I am trying to close an windows7 ref image (I used to work for years with XP
I install the OS and configure it, Now i try to sysprep it.
I run: sysperp /generalize /oobe /unattend:Temp.xml .
My XML file set the Administrator to be Enable.
I dont want to create another user before the first log in but after sysprep
run it always asking to careate a User.
What should i inclode in the XML in order to path sysprep without careating
another user?
Dusko Savatovic
2009-10-18 18:45:30 UTC
You can't.
Windows 7 always disables Administrator account.
Windows 7 always creates user account.

I'm doing the following:
1. Enable Administrator account with
net user Administrator /active:yes

2. Log in with built-in Administrator account.

3. Delete User account and matching profile

4. Set built-in administrator's password in unattend.xml

5. Set another administrative account and password in unattend.xml

6. Run
sysperp /generalize /oobe /unattend:e:\unattend.xml
e: is my USB stick
unattend.xml - I always use unattend.xml. Your temp.xml may not be processed
on subsequent reboot. I believe this would be specialize phase. Please

Good luck
Post by pldpld shalom
I am trying to close an windows7 ref image (I used to work for years with XP
I install the OS and configure it, Now i try to sysprep it.
I run: sysperp /generalize /oobe /unattend:Temp.xml .
My XML file set the Administrator to be Enable.
I dont want to create another user before the first log in but after sysprep
run it always asking to careate a User.
What should i inclode in the XML in order to path sysprep without careating
another user?