WDS XP Push Fails With Corrupt HAL.DLL
(too old to reply)
2008-11-06 18:43:00 UTC
I'm trying to push an XP image to a bunch of Dell GX520 desktops. It kept
bombing on reboot with an error:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or currupt:
<system root>\system32\hal.dll.

I finally found the problem had to do with WDS trying to deploy to partition
1 of a hard disk, but Dell creats two patitions on their hard disk, one for
utilities, and the other for OS loads.

To work around this, I booted off a Windows Server 2003 CD and deleted all
the partitions, then PXE booted and downloaded the WDS image. It worked

Of course, booting up off a Windows Server CD and deleting the partitions is
not a good long term solution -- we do way to much imaging to have to go
through that. Is there a better (quicker) way to delete the partitions
before imaging the macines?

I have also read that a utility called imagex might let me modify the
boot.ini of my image, but I haven't been able to get that to work. imagex
never can seem to mount my image. Maybe I've got the syntax wrong. If
anyone has any good instructions on that, I will give that another try.

David Trimboli
2008-11-06 19:37:54 UTC
Post by JBradshaw
I'm trying to push an XP image to a bunch of Dell GX520 desktops. It
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or
currupt: <system root>\system32\hal.dll.
I finally found the problem had to do with WDS trying to deploy to
partition 1 of a hard disk, but Dell creats two patitions on their
hard disk, one for utilities, and the other for OS loads.
To work around this, I booted off a Windows Server 2003 CD and
deleted all the partitions, then PXE booted and downloaded the WDS
image. It worked perfectly.
Of course, booting up off a Windows Server CD and deleting the
partitions is not a good long term solution -- we do way to much
imaging to have to go through that. Is there a better (quicker) way
to delete the partitions before imaging the macines?
You can include a call to Diskpart in a script that runs with the
Windows PE image on your WDS server. See instructions here:

Before I started using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008 to deploy my
images (much more customizable than WDS, but harder to learn to use) I
had exactly the same problem that you do. Calling a Diskpart script was
my solution.

You’ll need ImageX, which comes with the Windows Automated Installation
Kit. ImageX quickly became my favorite imaging tool of all time.
David Trimboli
Windows Systems Analyst
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory